Who We Are

We are women, friends, colleagues, and sisters who are bonded from many walks of life. We are wholeheartedly passionate about cultivating solutions that uplift girls and women, locally and globally. We are inspired by women’s talents, skills, and abilities. We are devoted to giving generosity to our fellow humans in need. We celebrate cultures, communities, and diversity.

And we know that when women gather in circles with one another, the world heals a little more.

Our Story

Colorful patterned masks laid out in a circle on top of grass

Sisters in Circles was born during the 2020 lockdown to sew face masks at a time when many found themselves unemployed, the coronavirus was a mysterious threat, and masks were mostly unavailable.

Founder, Molly Dingledine, designed a pattern and began sewing fabric masks for her husband, Shane, a paramedic. She used African wax print fabric she carried home from a trip to Uganda where she assisted in girls’ and women’s health education. Demand was so high that a team of more than a dozen home-seamstresses were employed, creating much needed part-time jobs. In 2020/2021, we sewed and sold more than 5,000 face masks and donated hundreds to people in need. With profits, we established Sisters Uganda to support an impoverished village, and we contributed financially to dozens of like-minded organizations who focused on COVID19 relief and women’s empowerment.

Now we design and produce a variety of goods that are useful, beautifully crafted, and carry stories of hope, celebration, and positive transformation. We are grateful for you, our customer, who chooses to be part of our Circle. You help us do what we do.

Our Values

Two gold crescent moons facing left

Compassion + Support

Gold full moon

Creativity + Collaboration

Two gold crescent moons facing right

Empowerment + Impact

Our Team

Our team is completely volunteer based and there are no paid staff. We collaborate on product design, plan programs, research organizations to support, envision a world with women at the center, laugh hysterically and share heartbreak.

Woman wearing sunglasses, a pink t-shirt, and a blue scarf, standing with one hand in her pocket in front of a stream

Susan McLoone

Educator, Birth doula, yogi. Advisor to Sisters Uganda.

Woman outside smiling while wearing a blue headband with a red flower and a pink, yellow, and blue striped tank top

Jada Bryson

Professional costume maker, dancer & instructor.

Woman with dark hair and gray shirt smiling in front of a rock building and a rhododendron bush

Molly Dingledine

Founder and leader of Sisters in Circles, jeweler, designer & proud Aunt.

Woman wearing a black shirt and a black top hat adorned with a peacock feather and a red pompom, with a huge smile on her face

M Rathsack

Art teacher, potter, mover & shaker.


Our Women Makers

Kukundi Eve (Ugandan baskets)

mother, weaver, community mentor

Farhana H

fine artist & expert seamstress

Jen Murphy

puppeteer & artist

Glen Metcalf

industrial fabric cutter

Tara Nyanga

master dressmaker & designer at Sugarcane Studios

Rosamond Lawson

retired educator

Jennifer McCarty


Patricia Carney


Kassandra Tuttle

costume designer

Maggie Dijeck


Melissa Garrett

educator & advocate 

Robin Mehler


Cara Schwartz


Jordan Michelle Adams


All board members on volunteer basis


Sisters in Circles,
Uganda Team

Sisters Uganda is our partner organization in Maliba village, western Uganda. The women and girls on this team are entirely volunteer-based and are fully devoted to their community’s health, wellness, and success.

They have identified many barriers to girls’s success and are confronting them pragmatically. Most girls lack awareness about their bodies, menstruation, and hygeine, which leads to early pregnany, school dropout, and emotional and generational trauma. We established a sewing co-op where they learn tailoring skills and sew washable menstrual pads, which they provide to girls in need.

Group of Ugandan women standing in front of a building with green-framed windows